The Daily Cannon:
A Different Kind of Morning Show

I gotta admit, I like my routines. Especially in the morning. Work out, wake up my kid, eat breakfast together, listen to an audiobook… little rituals of mine to get the day started. Rinse, repeat.

So when I was told about an upcoming opportunity to create Amp's very own version of the old-school radio morning show, I saw it as an exciting opportunity to shake up people’s (and my own) daily habits. Something that could speak to a younger generation that didn’t grow up with FM radio.

Together with Nick Cannon and his team, Hook, photographer Cody Cloud, and Los Angeles Video Club, we created a morning show like no other: The Daily Cannon. From branding and photography, to programming and community activation, we got to dream up all kinds of ways to inject fun and tons of good energy in to people’s morning routine.

And true to Nick Cannon’s personality, no topic is off the table: faith, gossip, music, life advice… you name it. The show ended up being the most popular recurring show on the app, and a staple in our content programing.

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Logo + Design System

Together with Nick Cannon’s team, we began by ideating on the overall look and feel of the show. We knew we wanted it to feel warm, whimsical, and friendly, and after a few iterations landed on a logo that felt like it can embody what makes the show so unique. From there, we worked to create distinct layouts that allowed us to stretch the brand guidelines without breaking them.

Show Reveal
and PR

With 6 million followers on Instagram, we wanted to leverage Nick’s social following and announce the show in a way that would excite his community. Beyond social content, we created a pop-up at Mel’s Drive-In as a show launch event, and invited fans and reporters to enjoy a live DJ set by Nick himself.


Together with photographer Cody Cloud we set out to photograph Nick Cannon in a way that captures his high-energy personality and endless positivity. We chose a seamless background inspired by sunrise colors, and after 10 (!) wardrobe changes we landed on a suite of imagery to use for our show marketing.